Could you be involved in a bigger story than you think? And if so, how do you know how to play your part?
This question is the focus of today’s ten minute podcast… and we’ll look at a verse in 1 Chronicles 17, which is a book in the bible I’m sure you’ve spent LOTS of time in. (Maybe not). But this little verse actually gives us a lot of insight for our prayer life– by showing us that we are a part of a story that is bigger than us.

The verse comes after David’s request for a temple to be built; and when he hears back from God, he finds out that his son will be the one to build it. So his prayer for a temple is answered- but not the way he probably hoped. The temple will be not be built by him, but after him- and it will be built by Solomon after he is gone. It’s a bit of a yay-boo, because David won’t be around to see the answer to his prayer come to pass. But he can rejoice that the prayer WILL be answered.

On today’s podcast, you’ll hear about the way God might be answering your prayer, even if it’s a different timeline or set of circumstances than you had in mind

So grab a cup of coffee and take a minute (or ten)- and tune in. Here’s the link:

For 39 more reflections on verses like this one, follow this link: And if you are interested in the 8 week study on the book, you can find it on RightNow media or here: