Skimming through John 10, I found myself stuck on these words:

“I have come that they may have life; and have it to the full.”


Feeling a bit empty, I found myself wondering what life to the full actually means.

We know life to the full does not mean life to the excess.
Because with excess, we become addicted, overweight or sick.
The truth is, in too much fullness we simply discover another form of empty.

So when the Good Shepherd says life to the full, is it possible he means just enough?

I have come that they might have life; and have just enough.
happy sheep

Whether it’s satisfaction. Or provision. Or security.
Just enough.

But Shepherd, I want to say, Can you please show me a glimpse of “enough” in my future? You seem to have forgotten that I prefer to write about trust rather than live it.


Living with excess feels so much easier. It’s more tangible to have our needs filled with things we see, than leave room for a God we can’t see.

But it’s in the space of need that the Good Shepherd’s fullness is found.

And He gently prods and pokes and interrupts those sheep whose heads are down… too focused on filling their stomachs… or bank accounts…or calendars to look up and see Him. shepherds heads down 2

And He whispers “I have come that you might have what you need.”
And I want you to leave what’s unknown and unfulfilled for me.
Because tomorrow, I will come too.

Shepherds move with their sheep. the good shepherd

So whether your unknown and unfulfilled is in

the relationships you have.
Or the future you long for.
Or the strength you can’t find.
I am here.

Whether it’s concern over the election.
Or concern over people you love.
I am in charge.

Whether it’s the future you are worried about.
Or the present you’d rather skip.
I am with you.

And I am
