It’s post election, pre holiday season, so I am focused this week on soul renewal. (It may also be because I’m preaching on soul renewal this Sunday, and am in the middle of one of the craziest seasons of my life.)
Here’s the thing about renewal…in order to be ready to experience it, you have to be in a place to need it.
That is the not so fun part about getting your soul renewed.
None of us want to be out of control, desperate, broken or empty. But it is in that place that you are actually positioned to see more of God.
The verse I highlight in my podcast this week is Psalm 23:3:
He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths to bring honor to his name
The first part of this verse is that God renews our strength.
Other translations read: He refreshes my soul, restores my soul, lets me catch my breath, gives me new strength–
in other words, God is always available for soul renewal.
But the second part of this verse shows us how this renewal takes shape: “He guides me along right paths to bring honor to his name”
Did you catch that?
Paths that bring honor to His name.
Not our name.
Renewal happens when we move from being focused on our story, to being focused on God’s story.
Our story may be stressful, crazy, difficult, or painful (I give an example of one such story in my podcast). But God’s story shifts your perspective on your story by showing you the purpose for it… calling you to trust Him in it… and leading you to see what He is doing through it.
The paths God leads you on move you from being focused on His part in your story to your part in His story.
And that shift renews your soul.
Tune into my ten minute podcast to see how. Here’s the link:

(Something Short also available in ITunes for those who prefer to listen that way)