So this is my first blog entry. I recognize I’m about 100 years late into the game (slightly prone to exaggeration too), but I never felt like I had enough time or words to make it worth my while. Not to mention anyone else’s.
But this year is kind of a landmark year. For the last 2 decades I’ve been a youth ministry author and speaker. And I am writing my first “non youth ministry” book. It’s called “Finding Faith in the Dark”, and Zondervan will release it in 2014. However my part is due June 2013. Which is why this blog will be short.
The subtitle of my book is “When the Story of your Life takes a turn you didn’t plan”. I actually lived it before I decided to write about it. I imagine many of you have too.
I am thrilled to be working with John Sloan as my editor on this project. You may not know his name, but you probably know another author he worked with. Does “The Jesus I never Knew” or “What’s so Amazing about Grace” ring a bell? Yes, that author.
So it’s scary and thrilling and intimidating and exciting and did I mention scary? It may be the biggest challenge of my life. But life is not worth living if you’re not doing something that is calling out everything you’ve got.
The book is not just about my story. It’s about a whole lot of other stories too. But what I am really hoping is that it will touch your story. And give you some things you can take away when the book is through.
So that’s it for now. Gotta get back to the journey from “Help I’m a Small Group Leader”, to “Finding our Faith in the Dark”.
There are a few more questions to tackle in the latter.