by Laurie Short | May 23, 2014 | battle, Blessing, change, Dreams, Editor, Faith, God, God's will, Laurie Short, Perspective, Polich family, Prayer, Serbian, Serbian Orthodox, Stories, The Lord's prayer
Permit me to indulge in a little of my faith history. I grew up in the Serbian Orthodox church, which means a rich heritage of “religious traditions” (aka big parties) that involved massive amounts of eating, drinking and kissing. The kissing included big...
by Laurie Short | May 15, 2014 | Faith, Laurie Short, Parenting, pre adolescent parenting, sex education, Stories, teaching kids about sex
It happened last weekend. My husband and our eleven year old boy had “the talk.” You know, the S-E-X one. It was the perfect timing, because I was away speaking and they had a couple days all to themselves. And with the help of some CDs by Dr. Dobson, our...
by Laurie Short | May 5, 2014 | adopting, Blessing, Compassion, Faith, finding faith, foster parenting, Fully alive, giving, Grace, Haiti, Laurie Short, making a difference, poverty, Stories
Last week I wrote about it. This week I decided to let you see it with your own eyes. If you missed what I posted last week, you may want to follow this link: But to get the full impact of the story, you probably...
by Laurie Short | Apr 25, 2014 | baby, Blessing, Compassion, Faith, generosity, giving, God, Haiti, Laurie Short, Love, Ministry, Parenting, poverty, Stories
I was unprepared for how I would feel when she leapt into my arms. A small thin Haitian child my husband and I know mostly through letters and not so flattering pictures. A child I met once as a little girl, who is well on her way to becoming a young woman . And now I...
by Laurie Short | Apr 16, 2014 | atheist, battle, Dark, Easter, Faith, Finding Faith in the Dark, Gethsemane, God, Good Friday, Jesus, Prayer
There are some things you read and you just have to stop for a minute. I’m guessing you have figured from my title just what that was for me. (Either that or you said to yourself “THAT’s why Paul said no women teachers”) I was half way through...
by Laurie Short | Apr 5, 2014 | battle, being perfect, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Faith, Finding Faith in the Dark, God, Grace, guilt, Jesus, Leviticus, Old Testament, priestly sacrifices, sacrifice, The Cost of Discipleship
Tomorrow I am off to Haiti. When I come back, I’ll have more money, more clothes, more food, and more comfort than I had when I left. The reason is because I will actually see all that I have. But I will save those reflections for later. In the meantime, I decided to...