by Laurie Short | Mar 27, 2014 | baby, Compassion, CS Lewis, Disappointment with God, Dreams, Faith, Finding Faith in the Dark, Gethsemane, God's will, Paul and his thorn, Perspective, Prayer, sacrifice, unanswered prayer, your life story
For half my life, I prayed for a husband and child of my own. For half my life, God gave me singleness and other people’s children to care for. I wondered if God and I spoke different languages. However looking back, those “unanswered” prayers produced some of the...
by Laurie Short | Mar 19, 2014 | adopting, Angels foster care, baby, Dark, Disappointment with God, Dreams, Faith, family, Finding Faith in the Dark, foster parenting, God's will, Grace, Love, Parenting, Stories
This week’s blog is actually the continuation of a story I posted two weeks ago. It can be read alone, but if you want the full story and you missed that post, here’s the link: With this story, I invite you to...
by Laurie Short | Mar 11, 2014 | Apologizing, Conflict, Faith, forgiveness, God, Grace, Jesus, Lent, Love, sacrifice, WWJD
A reflection on Lent “For Christ’s love compels us”, Paul writes. To which I must confess reluctantly, “Not always”. (However I don’t recommend that for your church’s next responsive reading.) But if I’m honest, there are times when I am compelled by something very...
by Laurie Short | Mar 3, 2014 | adopting, Angels foster care, baby, Blessing, Disappointment with God, Faith, family, finding faith, Finding Faith in the Dark, foster parenting, God, Parenting, Philip Yancey, Stories
Author Philip Yancey (of whom I am a big fan) says there are 3 questions we struggle with when we feel God’s distance and want or need him to be close. The questions are: Why is God hidden? Why is God silent? Why is God unfair? At the root of our doubts, usually one...
by Laurie Short | Feb 22, 2014 | Blessing, Faith, finding faith, Grace, Haiti, job loss, Missions, Perspective, poverty, thankfulness
For those who need to see the good in the bad, this story of a friend of mine is for you. It was a day that began like countless others. Julie got up, pushed her alarm button and limped to the coffeepot. As her feet slowly woke up beneath her, it struck her how much...
by Laurie Short | Feb 14, 2014 | Blessing, change, Editor, Faith, God, Grace, Haiti, Stories, your life story
You’ve probably heard the quote, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” It’s not a Bible verse, but I think I’ll vote for it when the next translation comes out. The last time my plans were wrecked was three hours ago. I wish I could say I am learning...