Road Trips

Ahhh… vacation. It’s summer and everybody’s doing it. Given my current love relationship with the airlines (see former blog), we decided this year to do the infamous road trip vacation. It was beautiful… Portland, Seattle, Tahoe, San Francisco… with brief stops in...

The Reality of Dreams

So I just finished my first real book. Not that the fourteen before were not real, but they were “How to” youth ministry books. Fun ideas, tricks of the trade. How to be a good small group leader. This one was about faith and life. And it took eight months, seventeen...


Long waits produce the best stories. Perhaps that’s why God includes them as part of his design. Nevertheless, when we’re in the midst of them they can seem never ending. Think of it: when Abraham and Sarah had Isaac, they were 100 and 90 respectively. (Good thing...

The Importance of Telling Your Story

What’s your story? I don’t mean that blithely. I mean it literally. What is your story? God has given it to you for a purpose. And He wants to use it for more than just you. On that note, here are some things to think about regarding your story: It’s the...