So here we are on the brink of 2015. Can you believe it?
Another year came and went so fast I’m thinking I better mark it to make sure it really happened. Those of us on Facebook got a little help with this because they came up with a clever marketing ploy of gathering all the best pictures you posted in 2014, and sending you a customized electronic yearbook that you could post on your page. When I saw how many people were posting theirs, I could hear Mark Zuckerberg yelling out “I’m king of the world” Leonardo di Caprio Titanic style. Heaven forbid his reign over social media ever come to an end.
But I digress.
The fact is, it was rather touching to look back and see all that happened this last year. Here are a few of the highlights they sent to me:
- The year began with my better half getting a GREAT new job as the IT supervisor with the Sheriff’s department.
It took six months of background checks, references and interviews, but the cream rose to the top and we sure were proud.
- In April, I went to Haiti to visit Nica, one of our Compassion children.
It was an amazing trip, best described by viewing the 3 min. video found on this link on my website
- One year after I finished writing it, my book Finding Faith in the Dark FINALLY came out.
And thanks to those who waded through all my “Spread the word” “Please buy my book” “Tell everyone” social media marketing.
And by the way… Spread the word, Please buy my book, and Tell everyone. Here’s the link in case you need it….
- In November, my husband and I celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss.
And we are thankful to have discovered that my Uncle George’s words (recorded on our wedding day) have indeed so far been true: “As much as you love each other this day, today is the day you will love each other the least.”
Love is indeed a verb, and we’ve discovered the power of doing it every day, as our hearts are knitted closer each year.
- In December, my friend John and I started a radio show called “Take Out Radio” on KKLA Sundays 2:30-3pm.
It may only end up being a 3 month stint, unless our sponsors get enough traction to keep us on the air, but we sure are having fun. And I’ve lived long enough to know that you never know what God has up his sleeve with stuff like this. Stay tuned to next year’s highlights to find out.
- AND finally, I am grateful for one more year of the gift of motherhood, with a step son who challenges and delights me in ways I never dreamed possible. Biology is grand, but step parenting gives you the chance to understand God’s love in a deep, experiential way- with hands open, heart full, and not contingent on what the return will be. Somehow that love takes everything you have, and ends up giving you more.
So that’s my year in a Facebook soundbite.
Now it’s your turn.
Happy 2015!