It’s Thanksgiving- the holiday that encourages us to reflect on our gratitude. But what happens when there are things going on in our lives that we are not so grateful for?
We had another fire this week in Santa Barbara, and many got evacuated out of their homes when the week began. That, along with the regular stress that often accompanies this season, made it feel like gratitude might elude many of us this year.
But Thanksgiving comes whether we are ready for it or not, and it prods us to think about all the things we are grateful for. With a tip of our perspective we focus not on the fire, but the tireless firefighters, who weathered sleepless nights and weakened bodies to protect our town. The disasters that didn’t happen that could have happened, and the way people opened their homes to welcome others in. The verse we are looking at today (Philippians 4:6) encourages us to see this way- and to also understand why thankfulness is not just good for our perspective, it is good for our soul. I hope you’ll find 10 minutes between turkey and shopping to tune in Here’s the link:
Happy Thanksgiving!