Have you ever prayed for something- and secretly wondered if God was deaf?
That was one of the subjects I talked about on the Focus on the Family broadcast last week: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/media/daily-broadcast/finding-god-in-the-story-you-didn’t-want
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Since that time in my life, I’ve weathered new times of silence, but my faith has shifted to a different place.
And maybe, that’s just the point.

Over the next few weeks, I will be dedicating this blog to some sneak previews of my new video series- and I am going to give you the opportunity to meet some of the people in my book. I designed this video series to spur some reflection on your own faith story, and give you the opportunity to do an 8 week study of my book.
If you are a subscriber to my mailing list, you already got a link to session 1; so this first post begins with Session 2. (And any non-subscribers who are reading this on my website, you can still get Session 1 if you sign up)  (yes that’s a bribe)

In the link to the video segment below, you will meet my friend Ken– a Westmont physics professor whose story is in the book. It’s been almost 2 years since his wife Kim died of cancer, and you’ll hear how he processed his faith in the dark. ken and kim  Ken sees in retrospect that when God allows suffering in your life, He is also mysteriously drawing you near. As Ken experienced the depths of sadness of losing his wife, he truly felt God was holding them both– and since Kim’s passing, God has brought Ken into a deeper faith.

It’s clear through Ken’s story that we have a God who tenderly accompanies us through our most painful seasons.  And in the backdrop of our darkest moments, God’s love has an opportunity to shine most bright.
Listen to Ken’s words- and let his beautiful story seep into your bones:
