As I write this blog, I have one eye on the Toyota next to me, to see if the lane we chose will get us there a half a second later than we could have gotten there if we picked a different lane.
(It might be good for me to add the fact that I am in the passenger seat.)
I can feel my stress level rise because I can’t possibly enjoy the 5 hour drive ahead of me, knowing that for one five minute stretch, we could have shaved a minute off if we had picked the right lane.

A similar drama occurs at the grocery store, when I fill my basket and head to the front of the store, carefully eyeballing the lines (and their respective checkers) as I make my fateful line 1 AND IF I see a customer who was behind me in another line end up beating me in my line, I have to pull myself together before I spill my disgruntled attitude onto the checker that caused an extra 3.5 minute delay in my day.

Neurotic? Yes. Even worse when I see my behavior documented in print.

I suspect that depending on your temperament, at least SOME of you can relate to this craziness, since our culture, (and the technology that accompanies it), is moving us to a pace that if you can’t do three things at once and get them done yesterday, you are, in fact, probably behind.

Behind what, I’m not entirely sure.

What I do know is that our culture has exchanged pastimes like reading books for reading blogs, talking on the phone for shooting a text, and making scrapbooks for posting on Facebook. (Instagram if you are under 30 or just plain too cool for FB)

To make things even more obnoxious  streamlined, Facebook just sent me a notification that 4 years ago today, I went on a trip with these five people- and lo and behold, there were the photos I posted on that day.
We don’t have to collect our memories anymore. “Big brother” Facebook is doing it for us.
Phew. One more thing we don’t have to take time doing that we really don’t have time to do.

But I wonder what this skimming through life is doing to our souls.

The other day I read a sentence in a book that has been rolling around in my head. It was a piece of advice from Dallas Willard to John Ortberg, and here’s what he said:
“You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.”
To which Ortberg replied, “Ooh that’s good. What else?”

There was nothing else. That sentence just hung there in his life.
And it stood out boldly on the page in my book.

With more choices and faster paces, we are growing a soul that is a mile wide and an inch deep.
We know something about everything, but not enough about anything.
We are accomplishing more- and less- than ever before.

Because of our hurried lives,
we have more knowledge and less wisdom,
more shortcuts and less time,
more acquaintances and less friends,
more interests and less skills.

We are more- and less- connected than ever before. And the only way out is to stop.
But how?

To do less and live more,
cut back on information and grow in knowledge,
say no to the urgent and yes to the important,
and ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives.

I’m in.
Anyone else?