by Laurie Short | Oct 14, 2013 | Blessing, California, congress, congress hiatus, Dreams, Ellis Island, Faith, family, Fully alive, government, Grace, immigrant family, immigration, Parenting, Perspective, rags to riches, Serbian, step mom, step parenting, Stories, Uncategorized
This was a monumental week in my life as a step mom. My step son decided to do his immigration report on his great grandpa. On my side. It’s hard to describe the feelings of warmth when your step child claims your family as his own. It’s something you never expect....
by Laurie Short | Oct 2, 2013 | Blessing, differences between men and women, Fully alive, Fun, God, Listening, Ministry, Parenting, Perspective, Retreat, Stories, top ten list, Understanding the opposite sex, Women, women's perspective, women's retreats
I have to be honest, I always have mixed feelings going on women’s retreats. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy women- it’s just that I feel a little reluctant when it comes to being around a large number of them. A big part of it is I was single for 49 years,...
by Laurie Short | Sep 18, 2013 | Author, Blessing, change, Charlie Brown, Faith, Fully alive, God, Grace, Listening, Perspective, Seeing, Tyranny of the Urgent, Uncategorized
**this blog was written four years ago and inspired the title of my new book. The book is now out, and here is the link: Have you ever felt like you were going through your days like Charlie Brown’s teacher? You know, the one you never get to...
by Laurie Short | Sep 2, 2013 | Author, Grace, Miley Cyrus, Ministry, Parenting, Prayer, sex, Stories, Tim Tebow, Uncategorized, youth ministry, Youth Worker
You probably never thought you’d see Miley Cyrus and Tim Tebow in the same sentence. But last week, both of them were in the news. For different reasons. Tim Tebow was cut from the New England Patriots. It’s not the first time this has happened. He’s had so many ups...
by Laurie Short | Aug 18, 2013 | Author, Blessing, Compassion, Faith, Grace, Jesus, Ministry, Missions, Parenting, Prayer, Stories, Youth Worker
I just got back from a mission trip. Five families from our church took their vacation time, packed up their children, and went to Nicaragua for a week. As a former youth pastor, I have always known the value of exposing kids to a wider glimpse of the world. They come...