by Laurie Short | Feb 5, 2014 | baby, battle, Blessing, Covenant Kids Congo, Faith, family, Finding Faith in the Dark, God, God's will, making a difference, miracle, Parenting, Stories, thankfulness
Jon and Stacy were pregnant with their first child when they got their news. The son of a minister, Jon had been a Christian most of his life. He worked for Habitat for Humanity. Stacy worked at Angels Foster Care, an agency that places babies born to drug-addicted...
by Laurie Short | Jan 30, 2014 | Dark, Faith, Finding Faith in the Dark, God, Grace, Laurie Polich, Laurie Short, Stories, Zondervan
With this blog, I begin my journey of blogging some stories and reflections from”Finding Faith in the Dark”. Because this is such a relevant subject to so many, I would love your feedback to these posts- and invite you to share the link if you think any...
by Laurie Short | Jan 17, 2014 | Author, Faith, Fully alive, God, Michelle Obama, top ten list, truth, Turning 50, Women, youth ministry, Youth Worker
There was a big birthday last year in the White House and the news was buzzing with one question: What does the new 50 look like? Well ladies and gentlemen, I can speak to that. In fact truth be told, I have been able to speak to that for the last 3 years, 3...
by Laurie Short | Dec 31, 2013 | change, Faith, Grace, New Years, resolutions
It’s the beginning of 2014, and I’m lobbying to change New Years resolutions to New Years reso-hope-tions. Are you in? I’m thinking by January 7th you might be. By January 14th you will be. And by the end of the month you may even evolve to New Years...
by Laurie Short | Dec 20, 2013 | baby, Blessing, Buck4Good, Christmas, Compassion, Faith, Fully alive, generosity, gifts, giving, God, God's will, Grace, homelessness, Jesus, Perspective, Seeing, Stories
Have you ever given a gift that you didn’t intend to give? I was leaving my staff Christmas breakfast, and I had pulled out a couple bucks to tip the valet when two of my co-workers whispered “You gotta do $5 for this hotel.” My penny-pinching default...
by Laurie Short | Dec 12, 2013 | Blessing, Christmas, Faith, forgiveness, freedom, Fully alive, Grace, heroism, Madiba, Nelson Mandela, prejudice, prison, Uncategorized
Right in the middle of the Christmas season, the world buried a hero. And many of us took a pause in our shopping and celebrating to notice it. His country called him Madiba, but he was Nelson Mandela to those of us who beheld him from a distance. And at 95, his...