by Laurie Short | Sep 13, 2016 | Faith, faith in the dark, Middle of the Story, trusting God
Tragedy strikes. Disappointment drags on. There are seasons in your life when it’s easy to believe your story has come to an end. And then you get up the next day. C.S. Lewis has a poignant line in The Chronicles of Narnia, when one of his characters was...
by Laurie Short | Jan 19, 2016 | Faith, faith in the dark, Marine helicopter crash
Light is all around us. But we only really see light when it is dark. Such is the mystery of life. It was darkness that moved me today to see the people I love more clearly. To let my eyes linger on the gifts they actually are. Because I’m aware that there is a...
by Laurie Short | Oct 1, 2015 | cancer, Faith, faith in the dark, fear of the unknown
“The spot is benign”, my friend heard, and since that moment every breath has been a gift. It’s funny how that happens. Ever since she got cancer and was pronounced clear after chemo, every successive checkup slowly delivered her back to normal life. Where breaths are...
by Laurie Short | Sep 1, 2015 | Faith, faith in the dark, great saints of the past, henrietta mears
I am thinking these days a lot about faith. Not because I wrote about it. Or speak about it. But because right now, I have to live it. Imagine that. You know it’s bad when one of your best friends opens your book and says “You need this quote right now.” There are...