Keeping the Thanks before Giving

Keeping the Thanks before Giving

Foodies, get your engines started. It’s time for your favorite holiday of the year. But first, let’s remember WHY we are actually coming together to eat. Believe it or not, this holiday is NOT just about the oven browned turkey and cream laden mashed...
What Waiting Brings

What Waiting Brings

I am in the “contract signing” stage for my new book. And I couldn’t be more excited about my new publisher. The best part is, they are excited too. It’s been a road of ups and downs with this second book. Which shouldn’t be surprising,...
Superheroes in our Midst

Superheroes in our Midst

In honor of Veterans Day, I dedicate this blog to those who give us the meaning behind this day. Thank you for serving us so faithfully. This one is for you. A week ago on Halloween, there were children who dressed up as superheroes. But Veterans day reminds us that...