Stop Struggling and Dance

In a corner of a church called St. Sulpice, there is a painting on the wall that towers above you as you stand among the candles that fill the room. The church is in Paris, France, a city where art and architecture can leap off the walls and into your soul. I had that...
Postcard from Paris

Postcard from Paris

If you read my last blog,(, you’ll be happy to know the pilot had enough fuel, and we made it to Paris. Here’s the thing I’ve noticed about Paris– it’s one of those destinations that...
When you’re led where you do not want to go

When you’re led where you do not want to go

I know I told a story about the chain of events that happened when I missed my plane a few months ago, ( ) but this flight story is different. The other one was my fault human error. This one was truly out of my hands. After a...
The Audience of One

The Audience of One

When I first started out in ministry, I worked with a youth pastor who had this sign up in his office: “Now Serving an Audience of One” It came to mind again last weekend when I spoke at Creation East Creation is huge...
For the Love of Leviticus… and Charleston

For the Love of Leviticus… and Charleston

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but not many people write devotionals on Leviticus. You want to fail in a Bible reading plan? Leviticus is your book. You want to inspire people? Leviticus is generally not the first place you turn. Imagine my surprise when I was...