The Lessons Life Gives Us

The Lessons Life Gives Us

Have you ever noticed that life seems to be tailored to work on your weaknesses? If you struggle with speaking up, you probably have a job or a family member who forces you to exercise that trait. If you struggle with NOT speaking up, you probably have  a preteen in...
When you’re led where you do not want to go

When you’re led where you do not want to go

I know I told a story about the chain of events that happened when I missed my plane a few months ago, ( ) but this flight story is different. The other one was my fault human error. This one was truly out of my hands. After a...

School shootings, Parenting, and Faith

Looking up at the news during my workout this morning, I saw a ticker tape flash across the screen that froze my gaze. …with this week’s latest shooting, that makes 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook… Let that sink in a little. Something is happening to...